November 25, 2008


December is my favorite month of the year.  Not only I was born in December, but Christmas is in December, Ski trips usually take place in December, people are generally Happy in December (call it the Holidays' Spirit).

To me December the month of all possibilities.  Its in December that i undergo a spiritual "spring cleaning".  Its a month of introspection and self realizations.  December signals the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Closure, it something that is important if one is to move on.  

December 2008 will be a month of self-realization and spiritual growth.  I'll be taking a break form life, have no responsibilities and really just seat and ponder on what really makes me happy so that as I enter the new year I find balance and inner peace.

So grab and cup of coffee and tag along on this journey to self discovery :)

1 comment:

Vera said...

I love December too!! Happy New Year, babe!